Thursday, July 31, 2008

Men in Black

I hope I don't get visited by these..... things just by talking about them. 

Most people think Men in Black is a movie played by Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones but, most UFO junkies like me know the real story behind these unknown creatures.

The story goes UFO witness' would be visited by three men almost completely dressed in black and scare or threaten the witness' into silence. The orgin of these people or things is unknown some people say they're aliens while some people say they're with the FBI. People who have had encounters with the MIB have said they seem to know a lot about the person they have come to see ass if they have been watching them for quite some time (pretty creepy). They also have been said that when the MIBs speak their face is completely emotionless. Pretty freaky

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Be Back Soon

I have a very busy week this week so I won't be posting any new stuff for 6 to 7 days. I will be back though so stay tooned. :)

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


This is also one of my personal favorite creature of the unknown: the Mothman

The Mothman is a creature who terrorized the town of Point Pleasant, West Virginia. Reported as being bigger than a man this creature supposedly stood 6 to 7ft tall, had wing folded on its back and had red eyes which according to some witnesses that's
one of the thing they remember most: big red eyes. A TNT area was rumored to be where the Mothman lived since that's where a couple of sightings of the creature took place.

^Mothman maybe?^

Reported UFO sightings before the arrival of this creature makes me and some people think was it a coincidence or is the Mothman some alien project? The latter sound a little ridiculous to be but, I'm opened minded to anything.

One of the most chilling eyewitness reports I ever heard involved a man named Newell Partridge who live in Salem a few miles from Point Pleasant. I'll give you the short version. Strange occurrences happened while he was inside his house so he went out side where his dog Bandit was outside facing Partridge's barn he turned his flash light on and point towards the barn when he say bright red eyes. Bandit ran after the creature even though Partridge was yelling for him to come back. Too scared to go after the animal and the creature he went back inside where he stayed with his gun by his bed.
Two days had past and there was still no sign of Bandit. Partridge heard in the paper that some people entering Point Pleasant saw the body of a dog lying next to the road also when they passed the TNT area they spotted a bird like thing they turned round and went back minutes later and the body was gone. Partridge after reading the story immediately thought of Bandit who was never seen again.

That really freaked me out after I read it mainly cause it involved an animal. It's sad.

Then the Silver Bridge collapsed 46 people lost their lives before the crash people say the Mothman was seen before it collapsed and after Men in Black were supposedly seen on the banks where the crash took place. There's also a rumored curse that was put on the town after an Indian Chief was wrongfully killed.
The Mothman scares me more than any other creature than I've researched.

Since the Bridge collapsed the Mothman had not been seen since except for the occasional reported sighting.

All I know is that something strange happened in the small town of Point Pleasant, West Virginia.

If anyone had any information regarding the Mothman please post in comment.

Monday, July 28, 2008


vam-pire: [vamp-pahyuhr] –noun 1. a preternatural being, commonly believed to be a reanimated corpse, that is said to suck the blood of sleeping persons at night.

Now one of my favorite unknown creatures the ever so popular: VAMPIRE.

Vampire folklore has been stretched through out history. From Romania to Yugoslavia to the first majorly famous vampire: Vlad Tepes aka Vlad the Impaler aka Vlad DRACULA.

With TV shows and movies like Blade, Bram Stoker's Dracula, and Moonlight etc. Movies and TV shows like these are made to entertain people but, if you lived in places like Romania, Transylvania, Serbia back in the days when vampires where first coming about it
was no entertainment some people where seriously scared that they would fall victims to these at the time unknown creatures.

^Vlad the Impaler^

Many people are convinced that they are one of these cool but, also scared creatures but, I think if vampires do exist then I don't think they would come out in the open and say "I'm a vampire". That might lead to one thing: a witch hunt.

They are many famous stories of vampires from Vlad the Impalers who had a thirst for blood and favored filling people by throw there bodies on stakes.
To The Forsaken where 8 of 9 French soldiers who were left to die struck a deal with dark angel Abbadon; eternal life for their souls. They then killed and drank the blood of one of the soldiers to seal the deal. Ashamed of what they had done they couldn't look at themselves hence the no reflection or not going out in sunlight.

According to legend there are only 3 ways to kill a vampire.

Now again if anybody has any useful information about Vampires or Dracula please post in comment. If anyone post any inappropriate comments or links or if there is any inappropriate talk I will report that person. Thanks for reading. -M

Sunday, July 27, 2008

2012. End of the World?

Mayans have supposedly predicted that the world will be no more on December 21, 2012. Okay, now here's where I get really defensive I can't help but think people are actually taking this seriously. Okay yeah it has me kinda scared but it's weird that thousands of people will believe a Mayans prediction but laugh when a psychic says a bus is going to crash. Now I'm not discouraging Mayan people I'm just voicing my opinion.  
My sisters friend parents who are REALLY religious said God was supposed to come to earth in like November 2007 or something like that and nothing happened. So I'm always open to people who say they can predict the future but is this really going to happen or is this just the rambling of so guy back in A.D? I don't think anyone will ever know until we get to the day 12-21-12. 


Okay, I know that Locusts aren't unknown but they have so weird meanings with it. They said in the bible that Locusts were the sign of plague and my mother recently said that Locusts were supposed to hit this year. I also heard that in Greek mythology Greek philosopher Socrates said Locusts used to be humans but when they heard the Muses music they were so enchanted that they forgot to eat or drink so they dried up and died so the Muses turned them into Locust so they could sing all their lives. Weird huh? I got a photo of a weird bugs shell. A locust maybe?

Anyone know if this is really a Locust let me know.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Loch Ness Monster

One of the most famous crypto's ever documented the Niseag or Loch Ness Monster currently resides in the Loch Ness of Scotland. The monster had had many sightings but, became worldly famous when a picture came up it got the name "The Surgeon's Photo".

It was proven in 1994 the famous picture was a hoax.

That hasn't stopped people from visiting the now famous Loch to take pictures and videos of the famous monster. Many expeditions to find evidence of the monster or even the monster itself have been headed.
Many people have gotten what they believe to be the Loch Ness Monster on film.

No one knows for sure that Nessie is real, only that something is out there in the Loch. If anyone has any useful information about the Loch Ness Monster please post it in a comment. NO SPAM OR INAPPROPRIATE CONTENT, VIDEOS OR LINKS OR YOU WILL BE REPORTED.


Wow, my first blog. Well this isn't exactly my first blog ever. I thought I would tell everyone what this blog is about. The blogs I used to have were simply about me and my life one ever visited (I'm crying as you read lol). So while watching a recent X-Files episode I thought "maybe I should be documenting on things that I'm interested in that I know other people are interested in and what else other than the UNKNOWN." So there's the short version on how this blog came to be. If anyone has any interesting videos or pictures or news articles of the unknown or supernatural feel free to post them in a comment. BUT BE WARNED IF ANYONE POSTS ANY SPAM OR INAPPROPRIATE COMMENTS OR LINKS THEY WILL BE REPORTED! Thanks for reading