Sunday, July 27, 2008

2012. End of the World?

Mayans have supposedly predicted that the world will be no more on December 21, 2012. Okay, now here's where I get really defensive I can't help but think people are actually taking this seriously. Okay yeah it has me kinda scared but it's weird that thousands of people will believe a Mayans prediction but laugh when a psychic says a bus is going to crash. Now I'm not discouraging Mayan people I'm just voicing my opinion.  
My sisters friend parents who are REALLY religious said God was supposed to come to earth in like November 2007 or something like that and nothing happened. So I'm always open to people who say they can predict the future but is this really going to happen or is this just the rambling of so guy back in A.D? I don't think anyone will ever know until we get to the day 12-21-12. 


Okay, I know that Locusts aren't unknown but they have so weird meanings with it. They said in the bible that Locusts were the sign of plague and my mother recently said that Locusts were supposed to hit this year. I also heard that in Greek mythology Greek philosopher Socrates said Locusts used to be humans but when they heard the Muses music they were so enchanted that they forgot to eat or drink so they dried up and died so the Muses turned them into Locust so they could sing all their lives. Weird huh? I got a photo of a weird bugs shell. A locust maybe?

Anyone know if this is really a Locust let me know.